Sitting on the sofa reminiscing with my dear friend Pip a
few weeks before she died, she told me something that I had previously been unaware of.
Apparently soon after starting her secondary school, she had prayed that God
would give her a special friend. A few weeks later we met and immediately hit
it off . With a wry smile she declared I was God’s answer to her prayer. How
special! Our friendship has spanned over 50 years and remained strong
throughout the different seasons of life so these are but a few highlights of a
deep and abiding friendship.
Going on numerous holidays together to places including the Lake District, 'caravaning' and camping. Climbing mountains and getting lost in the mist! Visiting a home for the mentally and physically disabled most Sundays to take a service together with other family members and friends. Pip told me very recently that this had really been important in her early growth as a Christian. Sharing a house together in our early twenties which was so much fun. Praying and reading the bible together regularly. Visiting Pip on many occasions when she was living in Paris and Belgium. I was in awe at her commitment to serving God in many mission situations. Having Pip as a chief and wonderfully supportive bridesmaid on my wedding day. Enjoying spa days together from time to time. Seeing her excitement when she told me she had met a lovely Christian guy called Bill, Her subsequent marriage to him was a joy to attend and I could see her happiness as she gradually won the hearts of Bill’s children and became an adoring Grandma to the grandchildren. Seeing her walk the journey of suffering with enormous faith, concern for others, trust and dignity until the moment she left this world to be with her heavenly father. ……… much more could be said- I will miss her
more than words can say but am so thankful that she called me her friend. Jan Tait
Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I
may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my
friend. (Albert Camus)
Pip as a wonderfully supportive bridesmaid. 5th September 1981.