There she is, back row left. "I can only imagine" what it must be like for her now sharing eternity with some of those who have gone before.
Philippa Aix 1981 Our wedding/ Chris and Danièle Lorimer, France. Great memories and with deep affection !
Pip and Bill at Vanessa's wedding
Day out in New Forest, This photo says a lot about what a fun grandma she was but also how she lived her life. 'Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.' (1Cor 9:26)
mars 2015 à Paris chez Ilka & Philippe - Philippa a beaucoup manqué à son église et ses amis en France. Nous étions contents chaque fois quand elle revenait nous voir et en particulier quand elle venait avec Bill.
mars 2003 Philippa&Bill chez Philippe&Ilka - if i remember correctly, it was Bill needing crutches.
Philippa was in us in 1982 on a hicking camp in the southern part of the Alpes around St Veran. Always hard on walking and happy to just be part of the group.
Pip as a wonderfully supportive bridesmaid. 5th September 1981.
19xx-Philippa in Ardeche( background : :cottage of my great-grandparents)
2014-crosde cagnes
Philippa (3rd from the left) when we were out for a meal at the end of our course at ITN in early November 1998. I am opposite Philippa.